Home » Mercedes-Benz Wants You to Rent a 300 SL Gullwing for Next Year’s Mille Miglia Rally

Mercedes-Benz Wants You to Rent a 300 SL Gullwing for Next Year’s Mille Miglia Rally

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What‘s the best way to experience next year’s Mille Miglia? How about behind the wheel of one of the greatest sports cars of all time?

You’ll be able to do just that thanks to Mercedes-Benz Classic, according to Motor1.com. The German marque’s heritage division will rent you a 300 SL “Gullwing” to drive during the five-day-long rally.

The Mille Miglia is a thousand-mile Italian endurance race that runs from Brescia to Rome and back again that was started in 1927. The famously challenging competition was run 24 times between then and 1957—World War II got in the way—when it was discontinued due to the danger it posed to drivers and spectators. It was resurrected in 1977, as a less demanding rally for cars built before 1957.

A group Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwings gather at the Mille Miglia

A group Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwings gather at the Mille Miglia


For this year’s rally, which will take place between June 11 to 14, Mercedes-Benz Classic is offering up the services of three 300 SL Gullwings from its stable. The personalized package includes more than just use of the coupé, which regularly commands more than $1.4 million at auction; you also get a professional co-driver to help you navigate your days on the road, like during the race’s early days. The package also includes organizational and technical support, as well as a test drive weekend in Stuttgart, Germany.

As you may have guessed, all that comes at a steep cost. Mercedes-Benz Classic is charging €150,000 for the package, which works out to around $163,000. Only three packages will be available, but should there be more interest than that, lots will be drawn to determine the lucky trio. Already have a 300 SL of your own? Mercedes is also selling a technical support package, which can be catered to individual needs for €15,000, or $16,300.

Money isn’t all it takes to rent the 300 SL, though. You also need to be between the ages of 25 and 80, have had a valid international driver’s license for at least four years, as well as a certificate of good health. The trickiest qualification, though, is proof of a successful participation in a Mercedes-Benz Classic roadworthiness test. Registration will be open from Jan. 18 to Feb. 15.

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